Ben Hiant

The rugged profile of Ben Hiant dominates the Ardnamurchan peninsula being the highest mountain on the peninsula at 528 metres. It is the remains of an ancient volcano that erupted over sixty million years ago and epitomises the complex geological history of the Ardnamurchan peninsula.
Fine views of Ben Hiant are afforded from the car par/picnic site situated above the lovely sandy bay at Camus nan Geall by Ardslignish on the B8007, a few kilometres west of the Ardnamurchan Natural History Centre at Glenmore.
There is an excellent interpretation board at the far end of the car park produced by The Lochaber Geopark. The interpretation board provides information on the geology of Ben Hiant, as well as the role other nearby volcanic centres have played in the sculpturing of the geomorphology of the West Highlands and Islands.
Take time to explore the geology of Ben Hiant by taking a lovely scenic hill walk to the summit. Details of the walk up Ben Hiant can be found on The Wild About Lochaber website.
You can also take a walk along the rocky shore from Camus nan Geall towards the jutting promontory of Maclean's Nose; this jutting outcrop is composed of angular volcanic breccia ejected from a huge explosive eruption and can further extend the walk by ascending to the deserted village of Bourblaige.
Camas nan Geall is also of archaeological interest with a Neolithic chambered cairn and a Bronze Age standing stone.
Ben Hiant and the surrounds afford a wonderful opportunity to discover a variety of igneous rocks including quartz-dolerite, pitchstone, basalt and breccias, as well as ancient metamorphic Moine schists. Check out the basalt lavas which form the small peninsula, Rubha Aird Shlignic, by the car park, and the reddish brown weathered products that can be seen along the sides of the road.
The site also affords an opportunity to learn about the local history and pre-history of the Ardnamurchan peninsula. Well worth a visit!