The Salen Hotel
You can choose to eat in the stylish dining room or the more relaxed sun room when you visit The Salen Hotel in the village of Salen at the start of The Ardnamurchan Peninsula. The hotel also has a cosy bar which is a great place for a drink and a chat with the locals. The Salen Hotel offers a wide ranging menu using locally produced meat and fish as far as possible. As well as traditional favourites including local venison, beef, lamb and seafood, The Salen Inn offers a range of pizzas.
Booking is advised during the summer months, especially if you want to eat in the dining room.
opening times
Open for Bar lunches and evening meals
Booking advisable in Summer months
header photo
nearest village
Salen Hotel
Acharacle PH36 4JN
Acharacle PH36 4JN
web address
phone number
01967 43166
contact email